We are the bike factory with experience over 20 years in Taiwan, we must manufacture the products with high quality and sensible price; we are the honest manufacturer factory not a trade business company.
Our main business is bike assembly and tricycle manufacturing for export.
Tricycle of the new model is opening up by ourselves with the patent certificate;
We sell the tricycle to the United States and Europe mainly. Currently Southeast Asia is developing regions actively.
Tricycle parts are manufactured in Taiwan.
We are committed to product development to enhance the quality and technology of bicycle, all we do is for providing customers the best quality bicycles.
All the professional engineers in our company are with plentiful experience in manufacturing bicycle over ten years, and never stop learning for progress. We hope we can provide the best service to our customers and meet their demands.
The company's business objectives:
˙ Enhance customer service quality.
․ Research and design owned products
To provide our customers and untapped customers better quality of service.
Due to the oil price rising higher and higher, the concept of environmental protection is getting more popular all over the world; and people are more care about the leisure activities, so the bike demand is on the increase.
The 12-inch tricycle is for age 2 to 7 years old riding; children are the main target in this consumer market so the innovative style and exciting riding feeling totally fit the kids’ curiosity, that’s why the product can be attractive to kids.
Now our main work is customize bike assembly and try to carry out our tricycle to all over the world. We believe we have competitiveness in the market; we will always focus on the product with high quality and improve continuously.